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About the Artist

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My name is Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan. I am a calligraphy, lettering Artist and an Illustrator.

My journey with art and calligraphy has been a lifelong pursuit, but I began training professionally after I enrolled at the Society of Scribes and Illuminators, UK. Apart from this, I also learnt pointed pen calligraphy from world renowned Master penwomen and wedding calligraphers.

I strongly believe that your design purpose finds you and mine is to combine art and calligraphy through my design studio.

About our Studio

Welcome Article

MintRose Designs Studio rides on my passion to create bespoke designs that are unique and special to the client and celebrates the lost art of beautiful handwriting in today’s digital age.

The idea behind the name of my studio is a leaf out of my fond childhood memories, my aunt bringing me rose peppermints every time she visited me from Hyderabad. Both the lingering scent, taste of peppermints and her fond affection is a pleasant reminiscence. Through my art and calligraphy, I wish to leave behind a memory of custom hand-made designs with my audience.
